The total lack of judgement which put Faria "Bye-Bye" Alam into the Big Brother House in the first place was on display again last night, when she accused the Great British Public of racism and claimed an ethnic minority person would never win BB. What a load of cock. If anything, Big Brother, above all other forms of reality TV, has restored my faith in the British nation. Out of whoever's left at the end of a series, the right person ALWAYS wins. They might get it wrong initially -as the popularity of Victor or Bubble in the first few weeks of summer BB testifies - but having seen Bubble refusing to let himself be touched by Brian unless he caught gayness, or Victor almost hitting Emma, the voters always turf out the idiots and it never has anything to do with race or class or gender or sexuality. During the first couple of BBs the GBP were a bit uncertain and made a few mistakes, but since then I don't even bother voting. I'm absolutely assured that whoever I strongly feel should go, definitely will. I'm proud to be part of the BB watching community. Prouder of that than of being British anyway. By the way, what do people think of Russell Brand's HAIR? He's such a DANDY. Someone send him a hat with a feather, quick!
Neighbours has been absolutely amazing telly over the last year or two, occasionally veering into almost Dadaist visions of Australia, and never afraid to chuck the word 'bogun' (Oz form of chav) into the dialogue. A friend of mine said that a recent fantasy sequence looked like it had been "pixellated by an epileptic retard". Not PC, but very accurate. I think it might have reached its peak yesterday with, if not the funniest, then certainly the most inexpensive plane crash ever seen on TV. If you've ever wondered what it's like to be in a nosediving plane, apparently the lights keep going on and off, and it's very juddery, and suddenly you're in a massive water tank saying, "So c-cold, s-s-s-so c-cold". Yes, why show the actual crash, when you can jumpcut to another scene, and then jumpcut back again? Neighbours is class. I might stick it back at the top of my list of TV priorities. After all, BB finishes soon.
Loved the choral montage moments as the Neighbours waited for news of loved ones / perished in the cold cold sea. From the (very excellent) BBC minisite: "A special camera was used for the day which rattles the frame, meaning the plane looks as if it's moving but it's not." A very special camera indeed!
Hardly 'Lost', is it?
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