Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday Night's TV (22/2/06)
The new series of The Apprentice was as wonderful and expertly edited as expected, crammed full of vacuous business types overusing the word "dynamic", and a particularly demented ginger woman who is going to be great value over the next few weeks. As is Syed. An arrogant, ambitious, self-satisfied James Blunt who utterly failed to recognise that "The 'A' Team" was an unsuitable and puerile name for the male team. Almost reassuringly it seems that it's the men who are going to internally destruct in the same way as the women's team descended into catfighting and backstabbing last year. I think we may see evidence for something I've long felt, that men are just as bitchy as women and just as capable of slagging one another off behind each other's backs. In terms of the women's team - "Velocity" - they wasted no time at all in employing their feminine 'assets' to make more money. They shamelessly fluttered their eyelashes and bore their cleavages around Spitalfields to procure as much free fruit as possible for the task. It took the last female team until halfway through the series to decide that this was a usable strategy. At that time, Sir Alan claimed that the debate over whether women should use their bodies in business caused division even amongst his closest allies (I'm guessing Margaret - she did not look impressed at Syra's flirty fishing), but he had no problem with any tactic which increased profit. This year, he looked sightly disgusted that they had flashed their bits so easily. Now I know Sir Alan isn't exactly at the vanguard of feminism but I didn't know he was a hypocrite - surely you either think it's okay or you don't? Personally, I'm with Margaret. But nothing can put me off Sir Alan, who actually said last night that he'd quite like to lose everything he has, just for the challenge of building it up all over again. What a guy, what a will, what fantastic one-liners. The Apprentice is the best thing to hit our screens in this millennium.
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T.E., have you yet indulged in the evacuated remains of primetime that is Just The Two Of Us? It attests to my theory that the government is lobotomising us by stealth.
Kid, I haven't seen 'Just the Two of Us' but wasn't there an eighties sitcom starring Paul Nicholls (who always, incidentally, made me feel slightly sick) with a similar title? Trisha, I had no idea you were such a Daniels fan, and can you please stop swearing when you're on my stage? Thank you.
There's a fine line between Nicholls and Nicholas and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before the former metamophoses into the latter. In the mid-90s when Nicholas was performing in Singin' In The Rain (not so much a shadow of Gene Kelly as a shadow of poo-encrusted anal prolapse) the techs at the Theatre Royal, Norwich were so incensed at his malapropos arrogance that several of them weed in the water tank. Though I'd hazard a guess this happened at every theatre on the tour. Follow this link to witness debased acts of abject obscenity AND Vernon Kaye:
It's traverse, Trisha, and I accept your apology - if only so I can go on your show to tell my alcohol-soused stepmother to stop sleeping with my drug-addled fiance.
By the way, Trish, you could call that episode, "Don't Cheat and Idle, Or I Won't Go Bridal"....
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