Ziggy and Chanelle are in the bedroom lying silently on his bed, incapable of even feigning an interest in one another. Charley is arguing with Liam about the nature of the Lacanian "Real"
CHARLEY: Fing is right, Lee, what I was saying was that what is foreclosed from the symbolic order comes back to haunt it, right, and then you was like gettin all up in face, yeah, and saying fings like "the "Real" ain't closed then" and I wasn't sayin that, yeah, and you was sayin that I was...
Liam tries to interject
CHARLEY: Na, na, na, na, na. Listen to me for a minute, right? I got nuffin to say to you no more, you're dead to me, right?
CAROLE: Charley...
CAROLE: Oh fuck off right, Carole. Know what I mean though, Lee? You're lucky I don't get a stick and drop ya, yeah, d'you know what I mean though?
Nicky enters
NICKY: Does anyone want a nice meal? I'm happy to cook a nice meal if anyone wants to eat my nice meal. Charley, do you want a nice meal?
CHARLEY: Right fuck off, Nicky, right yeah? You're always up in my face about food and it's really irri...irrigravatin...can't fink of the word....irrigating me or whatever now and it's like really fucking me off, right?
Charley storms out
NICKY: Go-od, I was only asking if she wanted a nice meal. That is so rude. I mean, I'm happy to cook a nice meal but if you don't want a nice meal, then I won't cook a nice meal.
LIAM: I'll have some food if you're cooking some like, lass.
NICKY: Well, I'm happy to do that. There's some pasta left over from lunch, and I was thinking about getting a tin of tomatoes and, like, bulking it up, and doing a bit of a side salad as well? That'll be nice, won't it, Liam? That'll be a nice meal. And I'm happy to cook that for you.
LIAM: Aye, thanks like...
NICKY: Anyone else for a nice meal?
CAROLE: I'm alright thanks, Nicky, but can I just say, when you're cooking..
NICKY: Oh, fuck OFF, Carole. Everyone is so rude in this house...
CAROLE: Nicky, I was just....
NICKY: No, Carole, just NO, alright? It's really fucking me off now...God...
Nicky storms out
What's wrong with Seany's eyes? And why is he always dribbling?
Seany's boss-eyed countenance is down to the fact that he is, in fact, the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz. His dribbling is attributable to the other half of his DNA - Mick Hucknall.
Nothing to do with him being essentially subnormal then.
That too.
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