Things always bode very well for a series of Big Brother when the nicey-nicey aspect wears out quickly, as it had between Sunshine and Rachael within 24 hours of the series. Sunshine, as suspected, is a prize twit - another 'type' I encountered during my Brighton years. She's the sort of person who not only dubs herself with an outlandish forename - like a 14 year old who wakes up and suddenly wants to be called 'Cat' or 'Star' - she's also the sort of vegan who uses diet as a means of masking an eating disorder. I know a girl who uses a similar mixture of allergy and ethics to get out of eating. She, too, is very, very thin.
Must revisit the inevitably mistaken snap judgements of Thursday. Mario, while still likely to be first out, should stay for longer. I'm particularly interested in how he has phallicised his mole nose which he wears protruding from the forehead and continually wanks back and forth. Either that or he sports it jutting from the base of his skull like a pretersexual some sort of medulla penis deemed to be too damn saucy by evolution. Maybe he developed such fetishistic ruses in life to detract from the truly awful underpants we were subjected to last night.
I now have the feeling that Ife will develop into an especially vile individual - merely a hunch. Conversely, I think I might start warming to Dave, or at least seeing him as perhaps more than a psychiatric outpatient. It is queer, however, how so many 'persons of faith' frequently turn out to be the most suspicious and paranoid of other people's intentions, how they have so little faith in human nature. He was the first to point out that Mario might be a 'spy' for instance - although I might be confusing paranoia with sheer reasoning ability. Always have to adjust to lowered intelligence expectations every year! I imagine 50 % of the house will fail to ever see the costume's significance, and never get beyond thinking that he is simply a woodland creature.
First to go: Mario (if chucked out), Sunshine
Final five: Shabby, John James, Dave, Josie, Steve
To win: Shabby, John James
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