So bloody Dave escapes the chop this week AGAIN - a fact he no doubt attributes to God's providence - while Sunshee-ine hits the BB buffers. Good. She was an annoying child at the family barbeque who...hang on, she wasn't even that, she was just an annoying child.
This is good news overall because it evens things out between the two house factions - the smokers vs. the non-smokers. How much things have changed since the first BB when housemates could happily puff away in any area of the house they damn well chose. Oh those heady, fumy days. This is a current cultural issue made manifest. How strange that idea of in-house smoking seems now, a mere ten years down the line, and how frequently since 2006 has the spatial segregation of smokers been a factor in group formation - both inside and outside the house?
Talking of groups, respect to Ife for continuing her interrogation of the motives of Shabby. As I noticed a long time ago, Shabby is an individual who has a great investment in groups. She is nothing without a gang. Ife, meanwhile, is a freethinker who ENJOYS thinking and who increasingly distances herself from the social confines of Shabby's sorority. Expect fireworks in the future.
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