Um, Davina McCall. What Linda Barker is to DIY, and Sue Barker to sports, our Davina is to reality. Where's her pizazzzzz gone? Where her va-va-voom? She's just a gurning semblance of the Davina we once knew. Dermot O' Leary's been hanging around for ages, send her out to pasture. We know what she's like. She went on presenting StreetMate for way longer than necessary.
Right, I'm willing to put my neck on the line now. Last four Dennis, Preston, Chantelle and Barrymore. Last three Dennis, Chants and Bazza (ooooh, controversial!). Last two Chanters and Densy (ouch!) . Winner - Chantelle!!! I'm so aware I could be wrong, but am I wrong about this? Barrymore's mad, Preston's a lying rat - Chantelle's obviously the winner and Dennis, though a sexpest, doesn't make ugly viewing?
I'm off to Torquay. Bye!!
1 comment:
Totally retract my top three and even my winner - but there is a problem in that field. I suppose it has to be Barrymore but the kids who don't know him are just going to think that some vagrant has dropped by. Who are your top three then Rowdy???
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