Half-baked opinions on people I don't even know anyone? Yes? Good. Here we go then. In alphabetical order.....
Bonnie - Or Bonna. Or Bono. Potential bully in the same vein as Lesla "Biggest tits in Huddersfield, bar me mam and me nan" BB6. Very harsh aurally.
Dawn - "Gandhi. He's a nice person. Mother Theresa. Bob Geldof, I suppose. Everyone else. Bastards" - RIGHT ON! - "Everyone I have ever loved, has fallen in love with someone else, and left me" - WOO-HOO! DAWN TO WIN!!!
George - is very posh. I have a feeling that he's got a long life in the house. He better watch out for Richard though, I fear for his bottom.
Glyn - Wales' answer to David Hasselhoff. 50 years ago Glyn would have been taken care of within his community, and perhaps have had special reponsibility for the tickets during the Saturday night meat raffle.
Grace - "Daddy bought me a £340 grand pied a terre in Notting Hill". Oh fuck off.
Imogen - So pretty. So stylish. So perfect. And she's got a cool name. I might have to kill her.
Lisa - Loud, crude, rough Manc who probably gets camel toes.
Leah - As a friend said, if Big Brother's panto, then Leah's the horse.
Nikki - Why dress yourself up as as sex toy, and then sit around saying the same sort of inane things as you would in your jim-jams? She'll look back in ten years time and say, "I really didn't love myself very much".
Mikey - Mikey hates ugly people. Mikey hates feminists. I hate Mikey.
Pete - Right. Pete. Think the jury's going to have to remain out on him for the moment. I'm completely in two minds about including someone who's going to make people laugh both inside and outside the house simply because he has a medical condition. On the other hand, maybe his being in BB will encourage tolerance for Tourette's in the wider world, in the same way as Nadia made transsexualism more acceptable. I reckon the public are going to really warm to Pete and keep him in for ages, but that he'll drive everyone in the house insane and be nominated frequently.
Richard - the self-proclaimed sex terrorist appears to combine the best bits of Craig BB6 and Alex BB3 being neither psychotic nor so far back in the closet that he may as well be called Aslan. I hold out some hope. But mainly because Dawn seemed to be bonding with him.
Sezer - I should dislike Sezer, but I know that if he came up to me and noticed how pretty my skirt was and that my toenails were painted - as he did Imogen last night - I'd be quite impressed. He's obviously a womaniser, fancies the pants off Imogen, and, if he doesn't pull her, certainly will some other girl in the house.
Shahbaz - Initially promising, but has a whiff of the Kemal about him. Hopefully he won't be that self-consciously queeny, but the omens don't look good. He's already getting on my nerves.
Too soon to make predictions for who will be the first out, but going on past form it will probably be a woman, and probably someone from the older age group - my initial stab in the dark will be Leah, but that's tbc. It's great that there are four people over thirty in the house this time round. Maybe Endemol have finally realised after Maskia/Saxwell and Makosi's antics last year that we don't actually care to see desperate wannabes heavy petting for the furtherance of their own 'careers'. It's going to be a good'un this year. There's going to be grown-up one-liners. I can feel it in my jacuzzi water.
1 comment:
Is Shahbaz the new Barrymore? I'm concerned. Maybe he's just an eccentric old queen with wandering hands but I'd like to think we can look forward to finding Sezer belly-up in the hot tub. And Mikey. And George.
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