I must stop these knee-jerk reactions to the housemates. Last night Nikki showed herself for the bitchy schoolgirl she really is as things got anthropological in the BB house. It was a real shocker watching the housemates turning on Shahbaz. As Pete said, the Glaswegian may have shot himself in the foot by refusing to admit that he was at fault in any way for the situation, but the playground style bullying was very uncomfortable to watch indeed, especially Nikki's, "Hide his clothes, Sezer, that will hurt him more". But I know the Big Brother audience and they don't like bullies. One by one, the contestants who mistreated Shahbaz are going to get picked off, leaving only one possible winner. But Pete's dominance in the game is going to get a little boring too if he becomes the sole person nice enough to win the show. The producers should make sure that whoever goes into the house isn't one of the circus of freaks already in there, but is someone who can compete with Pete in the normalcy stakes. It's better to have someone win outright, rather than by default.
News just in that Dawn has walked too, and I can't say I'm shedding tears over her departure. Apparently she only went in there to raise awareness for her campaign (what campaign?), and thinks that the show has become a "pantomime" (hasn't she seen Big Brother before?). This is certainly one of the strangest beginnings to the show I've ever seen. Maybe contestants nowadays are just too aware, like Vanessa last year presumably managing to get in by being wacky and zany in her screening, and then being as entertaining as a lump of silt when she actually entered the house. Gone is the myth of the 'social experiment'; these days contestants go in there with a set idea of how they want to be seen, and when it doesn't fall out that way, they walk, or get evicted in the first few weeks. This year's Vanessa, Bonnie, must surely be out on Friday for being devoid of a personality (although she made a good point in the Diary Room yesterday - how do you expect me to be myself when you won't give me the clothes that I feel 'myself' in?). I'm pleased she's going to get evicted, but for her own sake, and not least to halt her developing friendship with Lea. The poor thing'll be in hardcore by Christmas if she doesn't leave soon.
Rather sad to see Dawn go, as the interesting-personality/vacuum ratio gets ever steeper less than a week in. Who's left that's vaguely interesting? Pete. Lisa, if she keeps getting angry. Nikki, Sezer, Richard, at a stretch. Also, Dawn's exit appears to have been spun somewhat; she asked to leave then got "ejected" for breaking some imaginary rules (while the phone lines for her eviction remained open - hello, Ofcom?) I almost hope the remaining personalities walk and give C4/Endemol a ratings failure. NB - the Digital Spy thread discussing the spinning of Dawn's exit has surged to 16 pages in just a couple of hours; are Endemol not aware their tactics are pretty transparent? And no, I don't have anything better to do. Really, I don't.
Neither do I, DK! I agree Dawn had a modicum of personality in comparison to the others, but she wasn't as good as I thought she'd be. It's funny how Big Brother fans are completely cynical about Endemol isn't it? Forums were discussing whether the eviction would go ahead considering the number of walk-outs, and were unanimously answered by people saying that Endemol would never forfeit the revenue that comes in from evictons, so interesting that you said Dawn's number was still up after she'd already walked......
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