What a fascinating last week of the last Big Brother this is turning out to be. As is often the case, a la Craig and Anthony all those years ago, the truth of house dynamics is becoming apparent.
The big news is John James' implosion over recent days. Starting with his vain refusal to wear a stupid crab costume, followed by accusations of hypocrisy from other housemates who have received an earbashing about being "team players" from none other than John James, through to Corin's eventual bravery in confronting John James about his arrogance and attitude to women, the final week has been captivating. For as John James has fallen from grace, Corin has risen and risen in my estimation.
Long ago I noted that John James only has a go at women. The men in the house should be ashamed at their collusion in his female bullying, even if only silence. Well, last night, to quote Corin, this came back to "bite him on the bum". For John James was hideously demeaning to a temporarily returned Rachael1, accusing her of being little more than a prostitute for doing a 'Nuts' shoot. He wasn't remorseful, but PROUD, when he returned to the house and relayed the attack. That is until Corin told him that Rachael is now going out with Nathan...
Cue John James shitting himself, and recoursing to his usual behaviour by threatening to leave the house. What disgusts me most is this notion that a woman needs a male protector for him to show them a modicum of respect. The cowardly bully. It's only the thought of getting his head kicked in - evidence of his view of why men are superior, and women lesser beings (physical strength) - that's made him think twice about what he said.
During all of this drama, Corin calmly and coolly told John James and the rest of the housemates exactly what she thinks. When she excused the housemates laughing at John James' relation of the Rachael1 incident, saying that John James had been intimidating the house for so many weeks they simply acquiesce to him, you could still see Steve thinking over his own conduct. She was understanding, but her canny observations have damned them all.
Josie might even ultimately lose this because of her association with John James. And so she should. As much as I love Sam Pepper, Corin deserves to win this series. She gets my vote.
Ellie...thoughts on last night's eviction please? I'm a big fan btw.
I'll do a blog on it. I'll bet you're not such a fan after Friday's events...
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